Sunday, November 16, 2014

Daylight Robbery

I found this post to be amazingly simple and profoundly insightful.  Just wanted to share

Last night my husband and I were talking to our daughter-in-law. My husband asked her, "What is your main reason for homeschooling? 

"I don't want to be robbed of the time I can spend with my children," she replied. And that's a lot of hours! During the twelve years of a child's schooling ( before they even go away to college), they will be away from home for SIX full years of their life! And that's not counting day care or traveling on the school bus. And this in the most FORMATIVE YEARS of their life!

Isn't it amazing how easily we become victims to a system? We do things just because that's what everyone does. We don't take time to evaluate whether it is the best way or not.

God doesn't give us children to give away to someone else to influence them in a humanist/liberal path. He gives them to us to fill them the Word of God and steer them into the ways of God. We have the responsibility to raise them to be young men and women of strength, dignity, purpose, integrity, justice, wisdom, and righteousness. We have the power to determine the destiny of the nation.

Don't let Satan rob you of the time, the anointing, the power, and the authority God has given to you as a mother.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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