Friday, January 1, 2016

Fears are Not Solutions

Recently, I heard an interesting sermon, based upon II Kings 7.  As Scripture proves, once again, there is nothing new under the sun.  Syria has been a problem to the people of YHWH for centuries upon centuries.  Several parallels to our current situation leapt off the page, as I read and listened.  I've read this passage many times.  Although Elisha was the prophet of that time, and of course his words did come to pass, it wasn't his words that caught my attention this time.  The words of the man who spoke against Elisha's prophecy hit with a thud in my spirit.

I'm guessing if Elisha posted the coming economic change, on social media; there'd have been plenty of folks jumping in to comment negatively on the thread.  So, it began with conviction and went from there . . .  Immediately, I took note of the fact the naysayer saw that which was prophesied come to pass, but he didn't get to enjoy the blessing as he was trampled to death.  Just a little something to ponder . . .  The death of the naysayer was gleaned the first time I read this passage, and it continues to stand as a reminder, we just might be guilty of the same thing if we're not careful.  

It was the lepers that stood out this time, and the fact that there were four.  The number four resonated with Messiah's parable about the soil.  These four men were facing "certain death," one way or another.  They were very obviously sick.  There was a famine.  There were Syrians.  Sadly, as they looked at their circumstances, they determined their best chance of survival was the Syrian camp.  It's even stated, if the Syrians allowed them to live, they would, but if not, they would be killed.  It seemed a quick death by the hands of the Syrians would be preferred to starvation or disease.   Adonai provided divine intervention of "noise" to cause the Syrians to flee in fear.

As I thought of the lepers and the fearful Syrians, I realized our country is divided very much in extreme illness and fear . . . even before adding the variable of Syrians.  Our nation is facing some very real enemies, as well as some imagined, but I believe the programming is the most dangerous.  Now, to breakdown the potential "answers" to our current threat, we need to realize it is our own government that is introducing some very frightening solutions . . .

First and foremost, Syria has been a problem for centuries and able bodied, healthy male Syrian refugees should be a red flag.  Sadly, after San Bernadino, at least one "vetted" woman has proven to be a problem as well.  She wasn't a Syrian refugee, but she was a follower of the "peaceful" religion of Islam, which I will address in the next paragraph.  She's proven problematic on two hands.  One, obviously the fact that she was a young woman changes the whole concept of "saving the women and children."  Second, the vetting procedure performed by our government to reassure us, is flawed, seriously flawed, or the vetting procedure isn't to intended to prevent what we the people think.

As for Islam, Americans have now been warned and labeled regarding negative comments about Islam.  I have no idea the percentage of radical extremists vs. peaceful Muslims there are, but I do know the government isn't calling negative comments about Christianity or Judaism; hate speech.  If mainstream Christianity follows their history, the majority will go with the flow, leaving just a remnant to embrace Torah and the true Feast Days of YHWH.  The remnant within Christianity will truly come to realize, the church has not replaced Israel, but has been invited into the same covenant, by the grace of our Creator through the blood of His Son.

A few reporters have actually blamed the Messianic Jewish victim for upsetting the guy who went on the rampage.  Obviously, if the Messianic Jew and Muslim had discussed their differences, the Messianic Jew had a completely different approach to resolution than the Muslim chose.  Nicholas Thalasinos was one of the victims of this massacre.  To even hint that his open discussion of his beliefs provoked this attack is on the same level as blaming the victim for being raped.  In America, it should be safe to be "pro-Israel" and openly free about one's religion without fear of death.
This isn't Nazi Germany . . .

Of course, the shootings have once again been used by the gun control advocates.  California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.  So, the good guys had no guns, and bad guys just don't care about the laws.  Let's not forget, there are also explosive jackets, suicide belts, and pipe bombs.  What's next on the control list?  Should we outlaw hoodies and plumbing?  Removing American's first two Amendment rights is not going to keep Americans safer, but it will be two giant steps toward captivity and containment . . . and we already lead the world in that, as it is.

The loudest argument to manage gun control is using the issue of mental health in this country, to better vet gun purchases.  Using mental health seems to be a back door approach to the same end:  the end of the Second Amendment.  In light of the latest DSM5-R, mental health labeling could be the most sweeping loss of freedom this country has ever seen.  Determining gun ownership based upon a subjective opinion is nothing more than "thought policing."  Who wants that?  Apparently, this is the latest political division that is actually bringing together both a part of the liberal base along side with "concerned" conservatives.  I've heard first hand, a supporter of the NRA say, they should determine who can own guns . . . Basically, the second amendment has become a political hot button issue and will continue to be, until those upholding full Bible beliefs and the Bill of Rights are outlaws.

Adonai YHWH which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him.  A Prophet of Holy Scripture

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