Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Window of Opportunity

Two weeks ago, I experienced a great disappointment and I truly wanted to whine, snivel, and complain, but . . . I chose to get inspired instead!  It was not an easy choice at first.  It required me to take responsibility for making a change . . . again.

I remembered back to the beginning of the Goshen Gazette, and how it was going to be a source of unfiltered, politically unbiased information, with a spiritual perspective.  We've been growing in that, so we're staying focused, but I was reminded recently that this publication isn't really taken as serious media, yet.

Since the mainstream news sources didn't choose to cover the event, the Goshen Gazette had the opportunity to basically have the exclusive on the Motorcycle Rally in Washington DC.   That didn't go as I had hoped at all, but two things did come from that.  I found a very unusual perspective from a gentleman who graciously agreed to let me post his observation of the event.  The second thing that occurred, as editor of the Goshen Gazette, I realized a missed opportunity is a missed opportunity.  This is the window of opportunity for the Goshen Gazette to become a serious news source, and I refuse to miss that window of opportunity!

As I watched the opportunity for this event to move from headline to history, I was just sick to see mainstream media sources still receive coverage for running wrong footage.  I knew there are too many things going on that are not being presented and now is the time.  We won't change events that are already in place, but at least we can know what we may be facing.

The Goshen Gazette will be introducing several new sections next week and offer links to many other alternative news sources for our readers.

We will remain a free publication, but we will be offering ad spaces at great rates!
We don't tell you what to think or how to think, we just present information you might want to think about!

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